6.4 Protest, Climate Movements, and the Language of Denial
Language is an important part of politics, including the politics of climate change.
Much of News Corp’s rejection of climate change science takes place through the language deployed by opinion writers and letter writers to diminish and delegitimise climate change advocates. This language builds an attitude of negativity in the audience.
Overall, the study shows that the coverage of climate change protests and movements was particularly negative. This is not surprising as News Corp generally pursues a ‘law and order’ agenda and would be unlikely to support a civil disobedience campaign or school strikes.
Of 369 such items in The Daily Telegraph, 77% were negative, compared to 14% positive, and 9% were neutral. The Daily Telegraph was the most biased against protest and movements to address climate change, and was over three times more likely to be negative than either neutral or positive. This bias was shown most clearly by opinion pieces. New items tended to be more balanced, with 39% coded as negative, 33% positive, and 27% neutral.
Coders observed that the vehemence of the opinion pieces appeared to increase during the time of the Extinction Rebellion protests, and was particularly directed at Swedish campaigner Greta Thunberg.
This brief and indicative analysis accords with the findings of Dr Myra Gurney of Western Sydney University who undertook a linguistic analysis of a corpus of Andrew Bolt columns (Gurney, 2017). Her conclusions could be applied to sceptics more generally. Gurney argues that Bolt constructs himself as an ‘Australian who respects reason and evidence’. She identified two contradictory discourses. One prefers democratic rights to freedom of speech versus the authority of expert scientists and the impunity of scientific method and rules of evidence. The other, through labelling climate science as a religious ‘faith’, diminishes its authority.
What follows is not a fully-fledged linguistic analysis because that was beyond the parameters of this project. However, because the choice of language is an important element, alongside selection of sources and framing of issues, we asked coders to record notable terms that were used in opinion pieces and letters, without undertaking a systematic linguistic analysis. The results are collated in the lists below.
Describing climate science and climate change movements
- According to the Greens, we - normal people are heathens marching like lemmings to extinction, fuelled by our climate change ignorance
- Anti-industrial, anti-capitalist crusade
- Anxiety-inducing moral panic
- Catastrophe mongering
- Claptrap served up by ‘experts’
- Climate catastrophism
- Climate change activists are at their core anarchists
- Climate change bandwagon
- Climate change fraternity
- Climate change mantra
- Climate change nonsense
- Climate cult hysteria
- Climate dogma
- Climate eco-cult
- Climate science is a religion
- Contrived hysteria
- Crazed beliefs
- Ginned-up statistics
- Global destruction movement
- Global fascist climate crisis horror show
- Global warming activists trotting out science fiction to benefit their greenie ideology
- Global warming vultures
- Hysteria, panic and vested interests emanate from this ‘climate emergency’ that allows no counter argument to be mounted
- International conspiracy
- IPCC is the United Nations global warming front for a new world order
- It is an unspoken conspiracy of misinformation, perpetrated by large sections of the media
- It is disrespectful to preach to people
- Manic global warming religion
- Our children are being brainwashed into believing that Australia is an inherently illegitimate, profoundly unfair country that’s ruining the planet by mining coal, driving cars and eating meat
- Ragtag bunch of students, dole-bludgers, greenies and activists
- Scaremongering disgrace
- Schoolchildren who have been infected with the triffid-like global warming virus
- So-called climate change
- Preaching climate hysteria
- The extent of the daily deception in the global warming debate is extraordinary
- The hoax of climate science
- They wish to overthrow our democratic way of life by using the climate change nonsense to attract ‘useful idiots’ to their cause
- Virtue signalling on climate change
- Warmist mob
- Whacky policies of the Greens
- Wide-eyed people bizarrely convinced that global warming will kill us
Describing people
- Bolshewokes
- Chicken littles
- Climate alarmists
- Climate catastrophists’ catechism
- Climate change acolytes
- Climate change apologists
- Climate change doomsday wafflers
- Climate change evangelists
- Climate change obsessives
- Climate change zealots
- Climate changers
- Climate extremists
- Climate gumbies
- Cultists of the ecopalypse
- Disciples of global warming
- Extinction Rebellion chuckleheads
- Freelance climate screamers
- Global grandstanders
- Global warming extremists
- Global warming vultures
- Gluebacks
- Left-wing ideological ratbags
- Marxist agitators
- Folk so fried by psychedelic drugs they’re convinced flower power reigns and we’re all going to die if carbon emissions aren’t net zero by 2025
- Pacific Island climate cash extortionists
- Professional eco alarmists
- Proven frauds
- Self-induced, selfish, irresponsible, climate change obsessives
- Sydney’s complainy community
- [Teachers are] leftie climate warriors
- [Teachers are] tax-funded climate cultists
- The deluded and mentally squishy
- Wealthy weather-worrying white women
- Weeping, screaming, brawling and spitting hysterics
- Well-heeled climate change preachers
- Wild-eyed people
- Woke city greenies
- (in) Woke World one must be an absolute believer … suspend one’s rationality and keep repeating the Climate Catastrophists’ Catechism (CCC)
Targeting well-known campaigners for climate change action
Greta Thunberg
- Global warming saint
- Swedish international incineration infant
- Greta Thunberg, only 16 and with a range of mental conditions, yet is the world’s greatest authority on global warming
- Saint of the warming religion
- Deeply disturbed messiah of the global warming movement
- Disciples of global warming
- Extinction Rebellion chuckleheads
Scientist Tim Flannery, Chief Councillor of the Climate Council
- Professional eco alarmist Tim Flannery
- The Gillard-appointed predict-o-matic
- A climate alarmist who misrepresents experts, misstates science, makes wild predictions that don’t come true
Malcolm Turnbull
- Malcolm Turnbull’s wild global warming falsehoods
Describing institutions
- The ABC is running a protection racket for global warmists
- ABC warmist cathedral
News Corp Australia’s cover-all justification for using such belittling and sarcastic language in its publications is based on a ‘right to free speech’, a right which their opinion writers assert is threatened.
Within the scope of this study, it has not been possible to analyse this language comprehensively. However, certain themes emerge clearly. These general themes include:
- Climate science and climate change advocacy are a religion rather than practices based on facts or evidence.
- Climate science is a systematic fraud or deception. Sometimes this theme is linked to the idea that there is an international conspiracy to promulgate climate science.
- Certain media organisations and journalists (and teachers) have joined the ‘movement’ and are not behaving in a professional or ethical way.
- Free speech is being denied, and climate change advocates want to shut down debate.
- Campaigners are not rational and are spreading hysteria and deliberately scaremongering.
- Climate change advocates are authoritarian. They want to impose their values on others and destroy others’ way of life.
These themes reflect the broader ideological and political affiliations of climate change scepticism as a right-wing political movement. The use of heightened language – slurs, insults and exaggerations – is designed to evoke an emotional response in readers rather than shape their opinions with facts and rational argument.